Commercial Solutions > Voice > Identity Management

Protect how your calls are presented to consumers.
Industry and regulatory efforts to protect consumers from unwanted and illegal robocalls have resulted in the introduction of call blocking and labeling technologies on carrier networks and consumer mobile apps. This has resulted in the significant decline of contact rates, customer experience, and revenue for legal businesses.
CMS has partnered with Numeracle to protect your calls from being blocked or improperly classified as 'Scam,' 'Spam,' or 'Fraud' and to prepare your entity for the next wave of caller authentication mandated by the FCC.
Numeracle is the pioneer of call blocking and labeling visibility and control, providing an Entity Identity Management solution to ensure legitimate, wanted calls are not improperly blocked or labeled across the calling ecosystem so clients are able to contact their patients, members, subscribers, and customers via phone as successfully as possible.
Benefits & Differentiators
Numeracle addresses the wireless calling ecosystem, inclusive of the top 4 carriers, to streamline prevention and monitoring through one process and platform
Numeracle has enabled its clients to reduce their overall improper labeling activity from ~30% numbers labeled Spam pre-registration to ~2% numbers classified as Spam.
Contact rate improvements for Numeracle clients across various industries have achieved between 5-15% on average when negative labeling is removed and blocking prevented.

Learn more about Numeracle:
Services available and managed by CMS
Verified Identity Certification
Completing this compliance-based certification process validates your brand’s calling identity in association with your phone numbers to ensure that you and you alone are registering numbers to your brand name. This establishes the legitimacy of your calls to improve the consistency of your call delivery and take a proactive step in improving contact rates.
Phone Number Registration
Register the phone numbers you use to engage with clients, patients, members, and subscribers with telco carriers, analytics companies, and call blocking and labeling apps to prevent default blocking and improper labeling events. Proactively identify negative reputation associated with your Verified Identity’s phone numbers and gain access to the Spam labeling remediation process to remove negative labeling.